10 Signs of a Bad Roofing Job
When you own a home, you own all of it, from the foundations and the floor up to the shingles on the roof.
Therefore, keeping that home in excellent shape is your duty. As problems come up, addressing them in a timely manner ensures your home stays comfortable and secure.
Certain problems, though, are beyond the scope of most homeowners’ skill set. Though a DIY project here or there is to be expected, some situations require an expert’s attention.
When it comes to installing and replacing roofs, there’s no substitute for their experience.
But how can you tell if they have the experience you need? After all, roofing contractors, especially new or inexperienced ones, can make mistakes.
Those mistakes can become serious, even leading to the need for another roof replacement.
To avoid that extreme scenario, we’re highlighting 10 signs of a bad roofing job, along with how to spot them.
10 Signs of a Bad Roofing Job
Replacing your roof is not cheap. Unfortunately, just because you’ll be paying a lot for this project doesn’t guarantee a great result.
Before signing that final check, here are 10 things to keep an eye out for that could indicate a bad roofing job.
1. Rooflines That Sag
Are your rooflines not uniform? Do they look to be sagging?
A properly installed roof will be straight and level. A sagging roofline, on the other hand, looks to be weighted down. These are easily seen from the ground level.
This could be a symptom of a few conditions, including problematic framing or roof deck rot. What it ultimately means is that the roofing contractor didn’t pretreat and assess the old roof before starting on this new one.
Before moving on, ask for an inspection with a more experienced contractor.
2. Any Missing or Damaged Shingles
Normally when we advise clients to keep an eye out for missing or damaged shingles, it’s for regular roof maintenance. It happens naturally over time due to weather that can damage or dislodge them.
In and of itself, it’s not a cause for concern and can be quickly remedied.
When it is worrisome is when you spot them on your brand new roof. This is a sign that your roofing contractor - or the team they subcontracted - did not do a thorough job. We would go so far as to call it unprofessional, and it could be a sign there are other issues, too.
Looking further into the future, you can also try comparing your roof to the others in your neighborhood. If the shingles have fallen off even in a relatively minor storm - and your neighbors’ shingles haven’t - that’s a sign of a bad roofing job.
3. Shingles That Don’t Match
While you are checking for any missing shingles, see if there are any shingles that don’t look the same.
Unless you were going for a very particular roofing look, mismatched shingles are one of the signs of a bad roofing job. Make a note of it and your roofing contractor will address it.
4. Any Inconsistencies
The goal of a roof replacement is to give your home a new, uniform roof. You’ve replaced missing or damaged shingles, you’ve resolved sagging issues, and now you have a clean, complete roof.
If while examining your roof from each angle you see the roof curves, dips, or otherwise looks odd, there is something more serious happening.
This could be one of a few signs of a bad roofing job, including inconsistent materials and a faulty installation.
5. Flashing Being Reused
A new roof means all new materials. As simple as it sounds, that’s what you should expect.
A questionable roofing contractor might reuse old flashing, even if it violates building codes. More than a cheap move in the short-term, it can be bad for your roof and your home as it ultimately leads to leaks.
6. Leaks
Throughout the natural life of a roof, leaks may happen. They result from a few different roofing problems, and left unchecked can cause damage to your home.
If you notice leaks soon after a new roof installation, that’s a clear sign of a bad roofing job. Your best bet is to call a professional roofing contractor immediately. If the leak continues, it could lead to roof deck rot, which can cause breakages and more.
7. Spots Or Stains On The Roof
As you do your own inspection of your new roof, have you noticed any discoloration?
Roof stains can appear as dark black stains in multiple areas across the roof. Often, it’s an indication that something is wrong with your attic. Overall, though, it’s an indication that you’ve had a bad roofing job.
Unfortunately, if you have already seen multiple spots or stains on the roof, a new roof might be the best solution.
8. Missing Drip Edge
Drip edges are the pieces of metal sheeting installed on the roof to protect the board just below the edging. They help to prevent mold growth, flooding, stains, and soil erosion at your home’s foundation.
As you might expect, good roofing contractors install drip edges. They go between the shingles and underlayment to keep the home’s structural support intact and prevent water damage.
Without a drip edge, which is a sign of a bad roofing job, your roof and home could be susceptible to the aforementioned problems.
9. Missing Underlayment
Ask people what a roof is for and most would say to keep water out of your home. One of the key pieces that a roof has for keeping your home water-free is the underlayment.
This creates waterproofing so shingles can work together efficiently and you can enjoy a leak-free roof.
This won’t be as visible after the fact, but you’ll notice it before: it is the sheets of darker material that go underneath the shingles. Without it, your roof will deteriorate more quickly, leaving it with a shorter overall lifespan.
10. Wrong Nailing Technique
Bad nailing techniques include nails driven with too much pressure, nails that could corrode, or nails used in the wrong place.
These techniques can compromise the health of the shingles, which in turn can lead to longer-lasting roof damage.
How To Submit Insurance Supplements
Beyond signs of a bad roofing job, damage to a roof can happen from storms and other natural causes, too. If you’ve taken on a roof repair only to discover more work needs to be done than was originally quoted, it’s important to submit an insurance supplement.
For help handling these roofing claim supplements, the expert team at US Home Supplements is here for you. Get in touch today.
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