To supplement a roof claim sounds simple in theory. It’s about logging information an insurance adjuster might have missed with your roof repair, then submitting it to the insurance company.
In practice, however, it ends up more complicated. Those complications can come from how the adjuster originally handled the project all the way through to the new dealings with the insurance company.
The origin of many of these misunderstandings? Omitted items from claims.
Given how important supplementing a roof claim is to ensuring your roofing project stays on track and on budget, we’re here to help. Below you’ll find the most commonly missed items, along with the steps you need to supplement a roof claim.
The Must-Have Information To Supplement A Roof Claim
Below are four of the most commonly omitted items from roofing claims. Cover these, and you’re sure to have a much smoother claims process.
The Drip Edge
While shingles tend to get more attention in the roof replacement process, the drip edge is important too. This is especially true when shingles are torn off.
These are overlooked because adjusters will say the drip edge doesn’t need to be replaced if you’re only replacing the adjacent shingles. Still, the replacement process can weaken them. Even if they’re intact after a recent storm, having to remove them to replace shingles may render them unusable.
Another red flag is if the water and ice shield has found itself tucked under the drip edge. That’s another sign that replacing them is a sound decision.
After a storm, an adjuster may have many homes to visit in a short period of time. In their hurry, they may just assume flashing can be reused. However, flashing does need to be thoroughly inspected, especially end wall flashing and step flashing.
The truth about face nailing flashing is that they really cannot be used again. Once the nails are removed, the nail holes become a risk for leaks – even if the new nails seem to fit right inside.
Since flashing is meant to cover up weak points that water might leak in, the idea of reusing flashing doesn’t make sense.
When reviewing the adjuster’s report, look for step flashing, end wall flashing, and headwall flashing.
Gable Cornice Strips
Detailed information about gable cornice strips is an important part of any roof claim supplement. Because they aren’t the most visible part of your roof, insurance adjusters tend to leave them out of their estimates.
This is problematic because it’s hard to fully understand the shape the gable cornice strips are in. Though they seem intact, they can be damaged by storms. It’s safer to replace them to stay up to code.
If you’re in the process of having an insurance adjuster evaluate your roof, check to see if gable cornice strips are included as a line item. If not, feel free to ask the adjuster to take another look.
Starter Course Shingles
Starter course shingles are another complicated part of the roof claim supplement process. In comparison to field shingles, starter course shingles take more labor and time to install.
Often, adjusters figure that new starter course shingles can be made from the waste of regular field shingles.
For contractors, though, it’s not always feasible to turn all shingle materials into starter course shingles. This is a process that requires more time and skill, so if it’s not accounted for in the estimate, you could find you’re paying out extra as the contractor charges more for the project.
To cover your bases, ask to see if the insurance adjuster is including both the material and the labor for starter course shingles.
Advice On How to Supplement a Roof Claim
In addition to mentioning the often-omitted items from roofing claims, we do want to reiterate three general steps to supplement a roof claim.
- Take Pictures - Don’t let the insurance claims process become a he said/she said one. When you can document the exact state of your roof, there is less wiggle room for the insurance company. In our experience, there is no such thing as too many pictures, so document the claim as fully as possible.
- Team Up With Experienced Contractors - The insurance claims process can be intimidating for beginners. When possible, hiring an experienced contractor will help you avoid issues later on down the line. Plus, they will be better equipped to ensure their work lines up with the estimate.
- Let Contractors In On The Estimate - By being aligned with your contractor, your roof project will go much more smoothly. Not only will it be easier to stay on budget, you can also better protect yourself against accidentally committing insurance fraud.
Need Help Supplementing A Roof Claim?
As a homeowner or a roofing contractor, supplementing a roof claim can be a confusing process that takes up time. At US Home Supplements, we specialize in roof claims and it’d be our pleasure to help make sure your project goes smoothly.
With our experience and our team, we can make sure you get paid fairly and quickly. Get in touch today for more information.
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