9 Essential Items To Supplement Insurance Claims
There are plenty of reasons an adjuster’s estimate for a roofing insurance claim may be missing items. From rookie adjusters who missed something, to carriers trying to save on claim payouts, we’ve heard it all.
No matter what the reason, it’s important that you’re able to include everything necessary to get paid fairly. If you are looking to supplement insurance claim roofing estimates, we have included 9 items to pay attention to.
As a note, it’s important to always include pictures to make your case for these missing items. That’ll only help your case and your changes of having your supplement insurance claim roofing estimate approved.
1| Starter Course Shingles
Commonly left out of adjusters’ estimates, starter course shingles may be worth including in your roofing supplements. Often they are omitted because an insurance carrier believes the cost of manufacturing and installing them is contained within the waste allowance for field shingles.
One can make starter course shingles from waste, but it isn’t always advisable. Furthermore, the labor cost to install these versus field shingles isn’t the same, and Xactimate has two different rates for them.
So, if factory-made shingles are not in the adjuster’s estimate, it’s worthwhile to supplement insurance claim roofing estimates with them (with pictures!).
2| Hip and Ridge Cap Shingles
Similar to Starter Course Shingles, insurance carriers think the waste allowance covers ridge and hip cap shingles, too. That is, that you’ll pick up scraps, cut them to size, then install them on the ridges and hips. This can work with 3-tab shingles. Architectural or laminate shingles are thicker and present other issues.
Plus, there’s the labor cost difference between installing field shingles from waste and factory ones. If those factory-made ridge and hip cap shingles are missing from the estimate, or need to use architectural or laminate shingles, supplement insurance claim roofing estimates.
3| Step Flashing
Because insurance carriers think step flashing can be reused, they may omit it from their roof estimates. Under certain conditions, it can be reused, but it must still comply with a new shingle manufacturer’s recommendations. Because of that, removing and replacing it is more often the case.
Xactimate has a rate to replace step flashing by the linear foot that doesn’t include removing it (that’s captured in the tear-off cost). You can reconcile this by supplementing insurance claim roofing estimates with it.
4| Head Wall/End Wall Flashing
This is also left out because insurance carriers think it can be reused (or that you won’t supplement it). Often, though, it cannot be. If the flashing had shingles face-nailed to it, reusing it could lead to leaks. The better course of action is to remove and replace it.
Xactimate has a rate to remove and replace head wall/end wall flashing. If this item is missing, you can supplement insurance claim roofing estimates with it.
5| Valley Lining
There are two reasons valley lining (open and closed valley roofs) is left out of estimates. Some insurance carriers expect it to be reused. Other adjusters may not notice if it’s concealed by shingles. Normally, though, it cannot be reused. Because field shingles are nailed through it, reusing it runs the risk of leaks.
Xactimate has rates for removing/replacing valley lining and removing/replacing rolled roofing or ice and water shield valley lining. Be sure to supplement insurance claim roofing estimates with it along with pictures.
6| Painting of Vents, Flashings, Drip Edge
If a custom paint color was used on original vents, pipe jack flashings, or the drip edge, the cost to paint a new color should be added.
Xactimate has rates to paint each of those items. If something needs to be painted and has been left off the estimate, supplement insurance claim roofing estimates with it.
7| Drip Edge
Because insurance carriers believe shingles can be torn off without bothering the drip edge, that it should always be able to be reused.
However, if the felt, ice and water shield, or starter course shingles were installed underneath the drip edge, it must be removed. Since it can be compromised in removal, it needs to be replaced.
Xactimate’s rate for removing/replacing drip edge should be referenced. If this is missing from your adjuster’s estimate, supplement insurance claim roofing estimates with photos.
8| Gable Cornice Returns, Gable Cornice Strips
When these get overlooked, their surface areas, linear footages, and more get left out of diagrams and other reports. This is important because removing and replacing gable cornice returns and strips can add up.
Xactimate has rates for removing/replacing gable cornice strips. If the roof you’re working on has them, and they’re not in the adjuster’s estimate. Supplement insurance claim roofing estimates along with photos.
9| General Overhead and Profit (O&P)
A controversial topic that’s worthy of an entire article, General Overhead and Profit can increase estimates by 20%.
The idea is that if a project is complex enough to justify hiring a contractor, then it’s worth adding O&P. Judging that complexity leads insurance carriers not to pay it. Others may recognize it’s needed but will wait for proof that the property owner has employed a contractor.
There are many complexities to this that we can discuss with you in more detail. A quick and dirty shorthand is that if you, as a contractor, plan to outsource a trade, you can certainly argue for the supplement.
Need further help knowing when to use roofing supplements?
If you’re a roofing contractor who needs help managing supplements, we encourage you to get in touch with US Home Supplements today. We've helped hundreds of roofing contractors get paid on thousands of projects, and we’re here to make sure you can get the job done, too.
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