There are a lot of great reasons to pursue roofing as a career. You get the satisfaction of doing important work. You can be well-paid for specializing in areas like vintage restorations or sloped roofs. And it’s a way to build relationships with other businesses and homeowners in the community.
One of the less pleasant parts of being a roofing contractor is the paperwork that comes with the job. It’s all necessary to some degree. But it’s when that paperwork starts to get in the way of that regular work that it becomes burdensome.
If you’re working as a roofing contractor or with some other contracting company, you’re familiar by now with insurance claim estimates. You’ve no doubt dealt with adjusters. And you’ve had endless follow-up calls with clients, with claims adjusters, and with insurance companies about paperwork.
We’ll hazard a guess - you didn’t get into roofing to spend time behind a desk, calling about claims and examining paperwork. You’re not alone, though - there are many contractors in the same boat.
Our goal is to help you manage your insurance restoration pipeline so you can get back your time and profit. With less administrative burden on your end, you can focus on the fundamental parts of your business: selling, building, and growing.
While we know better than anyone the frustration that comes with having to file and follow-up on supplements, outsourcing your supplements does more than reduce the headache.
By outsourcing your supplements and hiring a supplementing company, you can save time, money, and increase profits.
1| how outsourcing your roofing supplements saves you time
Do you like spending your time on hold with insurance companies? Staying late in the office replying to emails? Checking back at the end of the week to see which insurance files haven’t been followed up on?
Now, imagine having to do all that right after a hail storm or hurricane. Instead of being out there on the ground, meeting with homeowners and establishing a connection, you’re stuck in the office.
Outsourcing your company’s roofing supplements allows you to prioritize your business’s most important money-generating areas. Letting a supplementing company handle your roofing claims means having more time, giving you a competitive advantage in your region.
2| how outsourcing save you cost on expensive xactimate training
In addition to the costs associated with your time, there are also sunk costs associated with Xactimate. Learning to use this software (which is used by insurance carriers to estimate claims) is complicated - to say the least.
Did you know that the initial training course includes 70 hours of material? That’s nearly two full work weeks. Again, though, it’s just not the time that these courses involve - it’s the cost. Some classes can set your firm back as much as $1,000. That cost is just for the course, too. And if it happens to be in a different state? What about the exams? And re-certification?
For new firms and contracting companies in competitive areas, those costs can be hard to justify. Having a vital member of the staff leaving to undergo that training can put you at a disadvantage.
When you hire a supplementing company to handle your contracting supplements, you can focus on the important work - without chasing after long courses and costly certifications.
3| how outsouricing helps companies survive high turnover
Whether it’s because of the employment rates or the challenges of the roofing industry, the turnover rate in the roofing industry is high. When you invest time and money in training your teams to master software like Xactimate, what happens when they leave? You’ll have to go through the process all over again.
You can protect your company against this eventuality by outsourcing your roofing supplements. Often it’s easier to trust that an existing company like US Home Supplements that has helped hundreds of other clients will be around for the long term.
4| how outsourcing reduces costlt roofing supplement mistakes
One of the big challenges with roofing supplements is the learning curve. Just like an insurance adjuster can miss something in the original assessment, an inexperienced contractor can leave things out of their supplements.
It may be that they don’t know how to prepare it for submission. It may be that it takes them longer to submit. It may even be formatted poorly, resulting in it being rejected by the insurance company.
Why go with US Home SUpplements?
Having supplemented thousands of projects, we know what the insurance carrier needs to justify paying for the required critical construction items. We know how time-intensive it can be to manage the process, which is why we’re dedicated handling our clients’ supplements to keep their cash flow strong and their business running
To work with most experienced supplementers in the industry that know how to get results, contact US Home Supplements today.
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